2020, 10 weeks, with Sigrid Løvlie

BRIEF  We started this project with a brief from "EAT Foundation" framed like this; What can Oslo municipality do to make its citizens eat more sustainable? 
This research question led us deep into analyses of the food industry and lifestyles resulting from the average Norwegian diet. It became clear that the Norwegian diet is worse than people might think regarding sustainability, health, and ethics. And the reason for people's diets is rarely a choice of interest, but instead held in place by structures people live in. researching the food industry and lifestyles connected to, or resulting from, a diet. It became clear that these factors are held in place by the structure people are living in; it's not a choice of interest to eat unhealthily. The focus of our project naturally turned to focus on society and structure instead of isolated problems like eating unhealthy.

The project scope naturally focused on patterns of life and society instead of isolated problems like eating unhealthy. 
By Analyzing structures, systems, and interconnections connected to these patterns, which in a Norwegian lifestyle involves a constant strive for an improved life, we divided the research and knowledge about a good life - wellbeing - into three levels: Materialistic-, Internal- and structural wellbeing. Our project explains what the three levels are, their consequences of them, and how we rely on all of the
Our project explains the three levels, their consequences, and how we rely on them. As designers in 2020, we feel a strong need to declutter our system, which is designed to ruin our planet gradually. It is easy to think that individual decisions are the solution to the global crisis. This project explains how societal structures make it hard to live holistically responsible and purposeful lives. The answer lies in redefining these structures and values and understanding that nature and all humans are connected.
This map collects information, theory, and thoughts on wellbeing.

All humans strive to have a good life, trying to do the right things for ourselves and those we love at home and work. Everywhere you turn your head, society sells the promise of a good life, presented as things or services bought for money. In this map, we will dig deeper into wellbeing, and look at three possible levels. (1) Materialistic wellbeing is crucial, but (2) Internal wellbeing is up and coming but might need to go deeper, and finally, (3) Structural wellbeing. 

As far as we are concerned, this is the only thinkable future for the human species. We tend to individualize issues rather than zoom out and look at the structures we operate within, making it impossible to see the complete picture. This way of living leads to the most significant threats humanity has faced. 

As designers in 2020, we feel a strong need to declutter the system we live in that is designed to ruin our planet systematically.

We have to act holistically about every little thing to slowly change our lifestyles, businesses, and everything into a safe operating space where the planet can continue to be this beautiful place to live.

We cannot continue to look at the human species as the dominant species, with nature as our private supermarket of natural resources. We cannot continue to destroy the world we depend on.

This model visualizes the connection between EAT, our discovery in the iceberg model (eating unhealthy is a consequence of other factors), connecting these structural factors to neoliberalism and the neoliberal norms we live under. We asked, how can we achieve sustainable wellbeing for people? By using the doughnut economy as fundament for structural wellbeing, where a caring state is crucial. At the bottom, a blue line shows our project as a connector to all of this.
“It is in my interest to fight for your freedom, as it is in your interest to fight for mine. “
We are all connected, one planet with one poeple. If you understand this in depth, it can help you to understand the interconnections across the world.
When we consume products for a cheap price, we also consume natural resources, which are limited, and we consume the pain of other human beings.
When you buy an avocado, when you go on holiday, when you prepare food for your family. In everything we do, the actions of hundreds of people are involved. You can think of it as a network of movements, covering the entire world. And then ask yourself; which things in life do you appreciate? Who are the people that make these goods possible?
We are in need of re-connection. Reconnection with purposeful jobs. Reconnection with nature, our bio-regions, the nature resources, deep relationships, ourselves.
Reconnection with the hope of a better future.
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